Thursday 26 June 2014

Pregnancy related back pain & effective Physical Therapy

Are you suffering from lower back pain during your pregnancy? Well you are not alone; there are over 50% of pregnant women who experience lower back pain during this period. This pain could not only prevent you from working & taking care of your home but also put you in debilitating pain. Pregnancy-related lower back pain can have multiple reasons like postural changes, ligament laxity and weight gain, which results in decreased stability of the hips & back.

The good news is that you will be able to manage your pain and alleviate it completely. It has been shown that physical therapy can help you decrease or even eliminate pregnancy-related low back pain and improve your function through methods like spinal stabilization exercises, manual therapy, and education about simple things like standing, sitting, lifting, support pillows use, and even on how to toss and turn in the bed. Exercises will emphasize the stomach - abdominals, pelvic floor and buttock/hip muscles to help stabilize the pelvis

The hormone relaxin production is increased during pregnancy to ten times the normal levels. The purpose of relaxin is to help the pelvis adapt and prepare for childbirth by softening connective tissues and ligaments around the pelvis, pubic symphysis, and sacrum. These changes will allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. Unfortunately, due to the increased release of relaxin, your sacroiliac joint and lumbar joints may become unstable and can move out of alignment which in turn contributes to your pain. Research has shown that it is safe and effective for your physical therapist to perform gentle muscle energy techniques or manual therapy to correct the alignment and allow you to train your muscles in proper position.

You are not alone and you do not need to suffer with low back pain during pregnancy. It has been shown that regular & proper exercise, education, and manual therapy is the best safe and most effective treatment to lower back pain.

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